PreTreat Paint Removal Systems

‘Bringing New Ideas To The Surface’
PreTreat offer three main types of paint removal systems.
PreTreat’s Pre-Strip 9218 Powder Coating & Wheel Stripping Chemical has been formulated for the rapid removal of paint and powder coating from alloy wheels.
It’s been specifically developed for the more stubborn type of paint systems applied to German alloy wheels in particular.
Used as a Dip Application it’s one of the fastest-reacting paint strippers on the market. Depending upon the paint system, a wheel can be stripped as quickly as 10 minutes.
Created to work at ambient temperatures straight out of the drum, it’s ready for use at any time. No waiting for baths to heat up etc.
Further technical information and material safety data sheets will be supplied with the product.
Pre-Strip 9218 is currently available in two size units: 25 Litres and 200 Litres.
Pre-Strip 9230 is an organic solvent paint stripper for the removal of powder paint finishes from metal surfaces by immersion. It dissolves polyester powder coating, thus fully stripping powder paint from intricate workpieces, eliminating the need for intensive mechanical removal, and leaving the workpiece ready for recoating.
Pre-Strip 9263 is an organic paint stripper for the safe removal of paint from car wheels and other heavily coated items such as jigs and steel components. It can remove pure epoxy coatings, that are normally particularly stubborn.